Neck Tightening

    Neck Tightening

    Neck Tightening

As we age, different areas of the face and neck are affected differently. Some people develop wrinkling and sun damage in their entire face and neck. Some people seem to lose facial fat, while others accumulate fat in the neck and maintain good skin tone. Others may develop more exaggerated signs of aging in their neck.
Neck rejuvenation surgery can provide dramatic results, especially when combined with other rejuvenating procedures.


The best candidates for neck rejuvenation are patients in good health with realistic expectations. They have good skin tone and elasticity. It is helpful if they have a fat pad under the skin and on top of the neck muscles.


•Loose, sagging skin under the chin requires tightening of the skin with a laser.

•If the skin is too excessive, it may need to be removed with excisional surgery.

•If you have visible vertical bands in your neck, the neck muscles will need to be tightened in the midline.

•Fat deposits in the neck can be removed with liposuction or direct excision.


During your initial consultation, Dr. Marek will discuss your goals for the surgery and explain your probable outcome of treatment. Dr. Marek will also help you decide which procedure or combination of procedures will best meet your cosmetic goals. You may be shown before and after treatment photographs of patients having similar conditions, and we will explain the treatment you can expect to receive.


Neck rejuvenation procedures are generally performed as outpatient procedures, in our surgical suite, using anesthesia. Each procedure may be combined in order to maximize improvement.

Lasers can be used to tighten the skin that is only a little loose, while neck liposuction is accomplished through tiny incisions placed behind the ears and under the chin. With neck liposuction, little straw-like cannulas are used to suction the fat away.

Endoscopic surgery through a small incision placed underneath the chin may be used to tighten the neck muscles if you do not have excessive skin.

A necklift may be the best approach if the excess skin is significant. The skin is pulled up and back and the excess skin is removed. This provides a new, more pleasing neck and jaw line. The incisions are hidden inconspicuously behind your ears.